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Inexpensive and Exciting Valentine’s Day Crafts

Valentine’s Day will soon be upon us and if you still haven’t thought of A romantic (but cheap) Valentine’s Day gift for your special someone, you don’t have to worry because we’ve got you covered. Here are some easy and inexpensive Valentine’s Day crafts you can create at home: Click image for instructions

Happy Heart Day Candy Bottles

(Idea from Tami Wilson)

DIY: You Rule Valentine

(Idea from Re: Located Living)

DIY Sweetheart Brownie Valentine

(Idea from Twig and Thistle)

Hershey Kiss Bouquet.

(Idea from Tiny Prints)

My Love Bug Magnet Frame

(Idea from My life is full of)

valentine card

Happy Valentine’s Day from Nationwide Biweekly Administration! ♥

Celebrate Valentine’s Day without Breaking the Bank

What’s so good about Valentine’s Day? For one, it is a special day when we stop whatever it is that’s keeping us busy and do simple things to show our loved ones how important they are to us. Another good thing about V-day is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money just to show someone you love them. In fact, most of the times, cheap (or free) gifts are better than expensive ones. They convey the sweetest message and create lasting memories.

Here are creative, romantic and CHEAP ways to say “I love you” on Valentine’s Day

♥    Watch romantic movies together

♥    Prepare a meal or cook a special meal together

♥    Take a moonlit walk in the park.

♥    Sing him/her a love song

♥    Burn a CD with your honey’s favorite love songs or any songs that remind him/her of fond memories you both share

♥    Create a list of things you like best about your partner.

♥    Create a homemade card or write a love letter.

♥   Play some entertaining board or video games with your sweetheart or with the whole family

♥   Create gift coupons. It could be a voucher for a romantic dance, a song number, a massage, anything your partner might need or are sure to enjoy.

♥    Focus on bringing a smile or laughter to your special someone or to every people you love.

♥    Write a love note and tuck it in his/her pocket. Just a simple “I love you” could mean a lot.

♥    Take a bottle of wine and plan a sunset picnic.

♥    Bring out old photo albums and reminisce over your photo memories.

See, creating a romantic and memorable valentine’s day is easy, and it only takes some effort and thought. Any more great ideas that you’ve done or would like to add? Let us know in the comments below!


Image credit: emitea


Fast Facts About Student Loans

Now more than ever, student loans have become one of the biggest issues that Americans are facing. College cost are rising and outstanding student loans have grown to $1 trillion. And as if that is not worse enough, average graduate earnings of full-time employees aged 25-34 are falling, causing more student loan debtors to fall behind on their payments.

from the Business Insider article: GUNDLACH: These 4 Charts Show How Student Loans Have Become A Real Problem http://www.businessinsider.com/jeff-gundlachs-student-loan-charts-2012-12?op=1

If you are a student loan borrower yourself, read these fast facts on student loans from The Financial Services Roundtable. Be sure to visit their website to learn more about the student loan debt situation in the U.S.

  • More Americans are attending college at a time when college is getting more expensive.
  • Many students borrow money to pay for a college degree.
  • Student loans are now the largest form of consumer debt outside of home mortgages, eclipsing both auto loans and credit cards, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
  • The vast majority of student loans are federal loans.
  • Private student loans often supplement higher cost college of their choice.
  • Private student loans have a significantly lower default rate than federal student loans.
  • The federal government can recover defaulted student loans through administrative wage garnishment, offsetting federal tax refunds, and even part of Social Security checks.
  • Seventy-two percent of college that they have paid off one-quarter Workforce Development.
  • On average, Americans with a college degree are twice as likely to be employed as thenational average.

Source: The Financial Services Roundtable

[image source]

The History of the Credit Card

Long gone are the days when you need to carry cash with you in order to buy the things you need, or want, thanks to credit cards. Now all you have to do is bring one piece of plastic in your wallet and VOILA- you can purchase your goods instantly even if you don’t have cash. But do you know how credit cards came about? Take a look at the infographic below to learn about credit card history from 3000 BC to the 21st century


Saving for Your Children’s College Education | Nationwide Biweekly

Every parents want the best for their children. You work hard to make both ends meet in order to ensure that you are giving them the best future possible.

Image Credit: Kozzi

Because your child’s future depends on you, you should aim at giving them a good education. To get off to a good start in preparation for your children’s college education, be sure that you make it a part of your financial savings plan. Here are several ways you can save for your children’s education so you and your children can live a life that is debt-free and far from stress- as far as money is concerned, at least.

1.       Start saving early

Cramming is never a good idea, and procrastination can be the most serious sin you can commit when planning for your children’s college education. Take this advice from nationally renowned financial guru, Dave Ramsey:

“Regardless of how you save for college, do it. Saving for college ensures that a legacy of debt is not passed down your family tree. Sadly, most people graduating from college right now are deeply in debt before they start. If you start early or save aggressively, your child will not be one of them”

 2.       Figure out the net cost

Are you planning to send your children to a public or private university? Before deciding, keep in mind that a higher cost does not necessarily mean better quality. Determine which institution will more adequately meet your children’s needs at a price affordable to you.

When figuring out the cost of colleges, take a look at the actual out-of-pocket cost for each school and not the sticker price. Overall, private colleges can be more expensive than in-state colleges. While both offer scholarships, most private colleges offer better financial aids than public universities.

 3.       Let your children know about your savings plan

Get your children involved early on in the saving process and make them understand how you are planning to save for their future education. Teach them the importance saving and help them develop a good saving habit.

When planning for your children’s future education, don’t get fooled into thinking student loans are the only option. The key is to start saving early and regularly. Have you started saving yet?

Why Choose Nationwide Biweekly Administration to Handle Your Biweekly Payments?

When choosing a company to handle your biweekly payments, there are a few key points to make sure that your provider covers. With some of you, there may be a fear of letting someone else handle your payments, or maybe you have a lack of trust with letting a company withdraw money from your bank account. But, after reading this article, it will put all fears aside and show you why it is safer than ever; plus how being set-up on a structured system which is tailored to your pay schedule can help shave years off your mortgage and save thousands of dollars in interest charges.

Nationwide Biweekly Administration is proud to be one of the largest and most recognized administrators for biweekly programs. Their industry leading program, Interest Minimizer is helping hundreds of thousands of Americans not lose out on growing their home equity much faster. How much money and equity are you losing to interest payments? Chances are, it’s a lot more than you realize. For most of us it’s thousands of dollars every year, it doesn’t have to be that way. Most of us, we budget wisely, we shop for items on sale and then we make sure we get a good deal for our hard earned money, but when it comes to paying interest, most of us our needlessly giving away our money, actually losing it, and we don’t know it.

Fortunately there is something you can do about it. The secret is the interest minimizer program. A safe, convenient, and proven way to cut tens of thousands of dollars in interest charges off your existing loans including your mortgage, equity lines of credit, auto loans, students loan, and even credit card debt. With the interest minimizer your monthly payment is decreased to a much smaller biweekly amount and automatically debited every two weeks. We’ll conveniently match these debits to your pay schedule. Now budgeting for a large mortgage payment has become a lot easier. No more checks to right or late fees to worry about.

You’ll love how simple and easy it is. In fact, hundreds of thousands of American families are using the interest minimizer, saving billions of dollars in interest. When you see the savings and how much you’ve been spending unnecessarily, you’ll want to sign up for the interest minimizer because the plan manages the biweekly or weekly schedule for you simply, painlessly, and automatically.

NBA is one of the nation’s largest and most recognized independent processors. They are fully licensed, bonded, and registered with FinCEN – the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network – as a Money Services Business. And, They are also listed with Dunn & Bradstreet and the Better Business Bureau.

They have been independently audited by the C.P.A. Firm of Flagel, Huber, Flagel, & Company – and we earned a Gold Seal of Approval documenting that:

Our Savings Estimates are Accurate.
Your funds are protected by FDIC Insured Banks.
Our Client’s funds are being remitted to lenders accurately and timely.
Our Program operates as indicated in contracts.
NBA corporate office is located in the State of Ohio, and is audited annually by the State to ensure strict compliance to all State and Federal Regulations. All payments are securely processed through the Federal ACH Banking System, and enjoy protection under Regulation “E” of the Federal Reserve. Under Regulation “E,” funds debited from your account are protected against fraud or loss for a period of 60 days from the drafting date.

In short, you are completely protected & have nothing to worry about and you are GUARANTEED to save money! Nationwide Biweekly Administration has the only biweekly program that provides a 100% money back savings guarantee. For more information visit http://www.nbabiweekly.com today!