If your money situation during the past years was a mess, think of 2013 as a good chance to kick poor financial habits and manage your money wisely. Here’s your guide to a better money situation this year:
- When buying items online, always check for special offers and discount codes. Check for sales online before doing your shopping. However, you need to be careful not to purchase more than what you need. Some people spend too much instead of saving more by making unnecessary and unplanned purchases. Prioritize based on budget and avoid impulsive shopping.
- Reduce, reuse and recycle. By doing these three you can make a lot of difference: you save money and you help the environment. Reduce your waste, reuse or repair old items and buy more recycled products.
- Opt for generic drugs which are cheaper alternative for branded medicines. You don’t have to worry about quality; generic drugs are also regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and they are proven safe and effective.
- Make your own packed lunch. It would surprise you how a cup of coffee and a sandwich at work can add up to a huge amount of money over time. Instead of buying food or eating on a restaurant every single day, make your own lunch at home and bring to work.
- Save money on electric bills. Unplug appliances and turn off lights that are not in use. In the winter, wear warm clothing and set your thermostat to 68 degrees or lower during the day.
- If possible, walk or ride your bike to work. This way, you are able to save money on gas and get some exercise.
- The easiest way to save money? Avoid extra finance charges by paying fees on time. Missing a payment can cost you more money and may have a negative effect on your credit rating.
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