High school students, by now you are probably thinking about college and how you are going to pay for your education. College costs are skyrocketing, but this shouldn’t stop you from realizing your American dream. In order to pay for college and make sure that you’ll have the best college experience; keep these creative tips in mind:
- Apply for Financial Aid. Most students, regardless of financial status qualify for a type of financial aid, so there’s no good excuse not to fill out Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. Look for free money first such as scholarship and grants, and then seek other types of financial aid packages to cover other educational expenses.
- Stick to a budget. Determine how much money you have and examine your expenses. Create a budget by making your own spreadsheet or by downloading a template online. After you have finished creating a budget, do your best to stick to it. Bear in mind that it is not about how much money you have, but about how you stick to your budget.
- Apply to more than a couple of colleges. Applying to multiple schools will give you more options and will enable you to compare college costs and financial aid packages.
- Save money on textbooks. Purchase books early and opt for used books, which can be a lot cheaper than new ones. You can also look for cheap books- new or used – online.
- Make extra money. Look for part-time jobs to keep income flowing. You may also want to sell your old, used textbooks to other students. Remember to put your earnings in a savings account.
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